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Condensation ControlThe condensation process occurs when warmer moist air comes in contact with cold surfaces such as framing members, windows and other thermally conductive accessories, or the colder region within the insulation itself (if moisture has penetrated the vapor retarder). Warm air, having the ability to contain more moisture than cold air, loses that ability when it comes in contact with cooler surfaces or regions. When this happens, excessive moisture in the air is released in the form of condensation. If this moisture collects in the insulation, the insulating value is decreased. In dealing with condensation, air may be considered to be a mixture of two gases-dry air and water vapor. One thousand cubic feet of air at 75°F can hold up to 1.4 pints of water. At 45°F, it can hold only 0.5 pints. Relative Humidity is a percentage measurement of the amount of water vapor present in the air in relation to the amount it is capable of holding at that temperature. Therefore, 50% Relative Humidity would mean that the air is carrying only one-half of the total amount of moisture that it could be holding at that particular temperature. Cold outside air is usually much drier than warm inside air. Therefore, you can lower the Relative Humidity by bringing in outside air to mix with and dilute the moist inside air. At 100% Relative Humidity, the air is "saturated." The temperature at which the air is saturated and can no longer hold additional moisture is called the dew point temperature. Whenever air temperature drops below its dew point, excess moisture will be released in the form of condensation. Condensation problems are most likely to occur in climates where temperatures frequently dip to 35°F or colder over an extended period of time. FoundationsDo I need a foundation for my metal building? - Some people choose to pour a full slab foundation, however if you're planning on leaving the floor in a dirt or gravel condition, concrete piers will do the job just fine. Please contact a customer service representative if you don't plan to pour a full slab foundation. Can you provide an engineer stamped foundation layout? - Yes, but in some cases your soil conditions play a major role in the type of foundation you can use. Contact our special sales department for more information. If using a local engineer, we will provide anchor bolt plans to aid your engineer in designing the foundation. Do you supply the hardware to attach the frame to foundation? - No, the anchor bolts are usually supplied by a concrete contractor and placed when the foundation is poured. SheetingAll sheeting is 26-gauge "R" panel. Color sheeting has a galvanized substrate to prevent rust and corrosion. All our Galvalume roof sheeting is hot dipped with a zinc and Aluminum compound to give it the strength to stand up to the worst weather, and the durability to last for generations. Recommended Installation Methods of InsulationRoof insulation rolls are cut to lengths that will cover the distance from eave to eave, leaving a one-foot overhang on each side of the building. 1) Start at the end of the building and temporarily secure one end of the roll by attaching the insulation to the eave strut with double-faced tape. 2) Pull the insulation across the purlins with the vapor barrier toward the building interior. Double-faced tape attached to the opposite end of the insulation will keep tension on the roof roll while the metal panels are being attached over the insulation. 3) Install the next roll in the same manner, making sure the rolls are stretched tight, aligned properly and closely butted. 4) Fasten tabs using one of the methods described on the following page. Any rips or tears must be covered with matching facing tape to ensure a tight vapor seal. 5) Trim excess insulation flush to prevent it from acting as a wick and moving water into the building. Secondary FramingSecondary framing is created from rolled steel coated with a red-oxide primer finish in gages from 12 to 16 to provide an extremely rigid, and corrosion resistant structure. The following elements are formed as secondary framing: Girts (walls) & Purlins (roof): These members run the length of the building providing rigidity, and a sturdy skeleton to attach the sheeting. They are rolled from steel coils 12,14 or 16-gauge steel, or thicker if needed. All girts and purlins are pre-punched for ease of assembly. Eave Struts: This is a rolled member formed into a "C" to match the pitch of the roof. The eave strut is also made of 12, 14, or 16-gauge steel. Thank you for visiting Metal Building for Ennis, Texas. We provide the best service and prices when shopping for metal buildings or steel buildings. |