Roof Extensions and Overhangs
Extensions can improve the appearance of a building but will cost more. Roof extensions add "curb-appeal" to some buildings, but will take more time to complete the erection of the building because of the amount of extra covering trim. Extensions can also help a building merge in better in an environment of conventionally constructed buildings in commercial areas. An overhang offers you some protection from the rain and shade from the sun. These options can be important when you receive many visitors to your building, by offering shelter from the elements.
We offer two types of roof extensions: (1) Gable Extensions for endwalls (2) Eave Extensions for sidewalls. Using our system, you can easily and quickly design and price buildings with overhangs up to 5' on any or all of the walls. When in the Building Accessories section select Roof Extensions.
This building has a 1' extension on the sidewalls and 1' overhangs on the gable ends.