Metal Building for Batesville, Indiana Build and Buy Online!
When you decide to buy a BuildingConfirm the accuracy of your building codes. It is imperative that your building conforms to the state, local and federal design requirements. The items described on your contract are what you are buying. Please be sure to carefully review all contract documents before you sign off. If a contract does not describe an item in specific terms, you should not expect the item to be the best product available. And just as important - is what a contract does not say. Specifically if your contract does not indicate that you are getting framed openings and garage doors - then you are NOT going to get framed openings and garage doors. Do not sign a contract or agree to purchase a building before you have confirmed that your building will satisfy the requirements of your local building official and YOURSELF. Do not allow a salesman to pressure you into a "panic buy." A "panic buy" is when a customer is pressured into making a purchase to "lock-in" a "so-called" special price. Brokers are notorious for telling customers they could lose an opportunity to get the "deal of a lifetime" if they don't commit to the order right away. Beware of people who urge you to sign a contract before you have made your mind up on exactly what you want. Understand that making changes after the sale will cost you money. Once the design is completed it will cost money to make changes. If an order is in fabrication - and requires modifications due to customer demands - the entire process has to be stopped, pulled off-line and inventoried. Once the inventory of completed items is confirmed, it's back to the drawing board. You will be responsible for extra time required to re-design the project and all other associated expenses. Install your building components as specified by the drawings. Seldom do manufacturers use the same design practices and therefore your erection drawings and installation documents are the correct description of the building. Please read and follow the drawing descriptions carefully. An erection manual offers important general guidelines and the proper procedures for erecting a steel building safely. You, your erector and all jobsite crew need to understand and utilize OSHA and all other safety guidelines. Visible CondensationTo effectively control visible condensation, it is necessary to reduce the cold surface areas where condensation may occur. It is also important to minimize the air moisture content within a building through the use of properly designed ventilating systems. Heat TransferEffectively controlling temperature in a steel building requires insulation to be present along exterior walls and roof. When a temperature differential is present in an enclosed steel building, heat will work from warmer areas to colder areas until the temperature in the building has stabilized. At the point of thermal stabilization, the cooler (and heavier) air will be present at lower elevations and warmer air will be present at the roofline. The function of insulation is to help stabilize air temperature at more desirable levels. When it is hot outside, preventing heat from transferring into the building is the goal, and of course in the winter we want heat to remain inside. Heat transfer occurs in three ways: Conduction : Occurs in a solid or liquid when heat from one object is transferred by touch to another object. An example of this occurs when a pot on a stove will heat up by conductive heat transfer from an electric coil. Convection : Occurs with the physical movement of air. There are two types of convectional heat movement. The first is natural, where hot air rises displacing the cold air and moving it down. The second type is forced or mechanical convection. This occurs when an object, like a fan, physically moves or "forces" the air to move. Radiation : Occurs when an object is warmer or hotter than the air around it. For example, the sun, which is hotter than everything around it, radiates heat waves that travel through the air and is either absorbed by or reflected by the surface it comes in contact with. Surface Air Film Coefficient (F) The amount of heat flow in BTU's per square foot per hour between an exposed surface of a material and the adjacent air. It is the measure of the conductance of heat through the air film that clings to all surfaces. Installation and Selection of InsulationWe provide the highest quality products available. However, proper installation and selection is imperative for maximum effectiveness. Please refer to installation instructions to ensure correct procedures are used. Facings that have been torn or punctured are no longer capable of blocking water vapor and may eventually do more harm than good. Be sure to quickly patch any holes in the vapor barrier. When selecting a facing, special consideration should be given to its reflective quality. A facing with high reflectivity reduces the need for high light levels in work areas. This results in reduced energy costs and increased productivity. Although the fiberglass insulation itself is not affected by cold weather, the facing is. Colder temperatures can cause cold crack, a situation where the facing becomes brittle and if handled can crack. Bay Insulation recommends that vinyl faced fiberglass products never be installed in temperatures below 40 degrees. Thank you for visiting Metal Building for Batesville, Indiana. We provide the best service and prices when shopping for metal buildings or steel buildings. |